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关于高通公司Dr. Fan Mingxi学术报告的通知

发布日期 :2007-04-24    阅读次数 :5000


报告人:Fan MingxiMIT博士,高通公司中国研发中心

题目:Mobile Broadband Evolution Overview







Abstract: This presentation gives an overview on the technical feature and performance comparison for mobile broadband technologies today and describes the evolution path for different technologies.


Dr. Fan Mingxi’s Bio:

Mingxi Fan received his Bachelor, Master and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1999 and 2002, respectively, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, where he also received the Ernst A. Guillemin EE Master's thesis award in June, 1999.  He joined Qualcomm Corporate R&D in July 2002 and has been working on research, standardization and product development on cdma2000 EV-DO and its evolution. His research interests include topics in spread-spectrum modulation, interference cancellation, joint detection and adaptive antenna array.