报告题目: Recent Advances in Rate Control for Video Coding
报告人: 颜庆义教授
香港中文大学 电子工程系 系主任
报告时间: 2007年8月3日 (星期五) 上午10:00-11:30
报告地点: 玉泉校区 信电系大楼4楼学术厅
In this lecture, the speaker will review the recent advances in rate control techniques for video coding. The rate control algorithms recommended in the video coding standards will be briefly described and analyzed. Recent advances, such as the new concepts in rate distortion modeling and quality constrained control will be presented. With these techniques, the rate control performance can be improved whilst maintaining a good video quality. The lecture will provide a summary of these recent rate control techniques and give explicit directions for future rate control algorithm design.
Brief Biography of Prof. King Ngi Ngan
King N. Ngan received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Loughborough University in U.K. He is currently a chair professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was previously a full professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and the University of Western Australia, Australia.
Professor Ngan is an associate editor of the Journal on Visual Communications and Image Representation, U.S.A., as well as an area editor of EURASIP Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication, and served as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and Journal of Applied Signal Processing. He chaired a number of prestigious international conferences on video signal processing and communications and served on the advisory and technical committees of numerous professional organizations. He will co-chair the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) to be held in Hong Kong in 2010. He has published extensively including 3 authored books, 5 edited volumes and over 200 refereed technical papers in the areas of image/video coding and communications.
Professor Ngan is a Fellow of IEEE (U.S.A.), a Fellow of IET (U.K.), and a Fellow of IEAust (Australia), and serves as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in 2006-2007.