报告人:Prof. Chong-Yung Chi
Talk 1: Maximum-likelihood Detection of Orthogonal Space-time Block Coded OFDM in Unknown Block Fading Channels: Efficient Implementation and Identifiability Analysis
2:30 pm, Thursday (
Room 415(Seminar Room),
Talk 2: Block-by-block Blind Beamforming for Multiuser OFDM Systems Based on Subcarrier Averaging
2:30 pm, Friday (
Room 415(Seminar Room),
About Speaker: Chong-Yung Chi (S’83-M’83-SM’89) was born in
He has been a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering since 1989 and the Institute of Communications Engineering (ICE) since 1999 (also the Chairman of ICE for 2002-2005),
Dr. Chi is a member of European Association for Signal Processing, and an active member of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering. He has been a Technical Program Committee member for many IEEE sponsored workshops, symposiums and conferences on signal processing and wireless communications, including co-organizer and general co-chairman of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2001. He was also the Chair of Information Theory Chapter of IEEE Taipei Section (7/2001-6/2003). He was an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (May 2001 through April 2006), IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II (1/2006-12/2007), an editorial board member of EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (JASP) (7/2003-12/2005) and a guest editor of EURASIP JASP special issue, “Multi-Sensor Processing for Signal Extraction and Applications,” 2006. Currently, he is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, a member of Editorial Board of EURASIP Signal Processing Journal, and a member of IEEE Signal Processing Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods.
Welcome your attendance!