Title: Achieving Practical Constructive Interference Control in
Wireless Networks
Speaker: Dr. Li (Erran) Li, Networking Research Lab, Bell Laboratories
Time: 2009-9-9(Wednesday) 9:30
Venue: Room 215, Xindian Building
Abstract: Interference in wireless networks has traditionally been cons
idered harmful. Thus, a traditional issue in wireless networks is to schedule
network transmissions so that a receiver receives from only a single
dominant transmitter. However, recent analysis has shown that allowing
multiple transmissions to constructively interact at the receivers can
achieve higher network throughput. In this talk, we investigate the
feasibility of achieving practical, distributed constructive interference
control in multi-hop wireless networks. We investigate the complexity
issues and present a distributed algorithm that takes into account side
information at both the transmitters and the receivers. Our technique is
effective under a wide range of scenarios and can be viewed as a
generalization of distributed MIMO and analog/physical layer network
coding. Evaluations and implementation experiences using GNU radio will be
reported. This talk is based on joint work with Rich Alimi (Yale), Dawei
Shen (MIT), Harish Viswanathan (Bell-Labs), and Y. Richard Yang (Yale).
Bio. of Li (Erran) Li
Li (Erran) Li received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell
University in 2001 where Joseph Y. Halpern was his advisor. Since
graduation, he has been with the Networking Research Center in Bell Labs.
His research interests are in networking with a focus on wireless
networking and mobile computing. He has served as a program committee
member for several conferences including ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE
INFOCOM and IEEE ICNP. He is an editor of WINET, and a guest editor for
JSAC special issue on Non-Cooperative Behavior in Networking. He has
published over 40 papers.
URL: http://www.bell-labs.com/user/erranlli/