邹卫文(Zou Weiwen), 2002年7月毕业于上海交通大学物理系获理学学士学位,同年9月直升为该校物理系光学专业硕士研究生, 2005年2月毕业获理学硕士学位,硕士学习的2003年4月至2004年3月间赴日本国立电气通信大学电子工程系交换留学。2005年4月获日本吉田育英会全额奖学金资助赴东京大学电子工程系留学,2008年3月毕业获工学博士学位。博士期间,荣获“2007年度 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。2008年4月至2009年8月于东京大学电子工程系
现为IEEE,OSA及其日本电子通信情报学会IEICE会员。迄今受邀为Optics Letters (OL), Optics Express (OE), IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (PTL), Applied Optics (AO), Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER), Optics Communication, Japan Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)等国际期刊担任论文审稿工作。
Title: Fiber-Optic Brillouin-Based Discriminative Sensing of Strain and Temperature
Abstract: Fiber-optic distributed sensing systems based on Brillouin scattering have been regarded as powerful tools to monitor distributed strain or temperature in smart materials and smart structures. So far, different techniques (i.e. time-domain and correlation-domain) are used to resolve the sensing location, while their sensing mechanisms are all based on the linear dependences of Brillouin frequency shift on strain and/or on temperature. This common mechanism results in a heavy trouble for any of above techniques in discriminating the response to strain from that to temperature by using a single piece of fiber. This presentation will demonstrate two individual methods to realize discriminative sensing of strain and temperature. One is based on multiple acoustic resonance peaks in a specially-designed optical fiber and the other on Brillouin-generated dynamic acoustic grating in a polarization maintaining optical fiber. Complete discrimination of strain and temperature using the latter method will be theoretically and experimentally demonstrated. Distributed discriminative sensing of strain and temperature based on correlation-domain continuous-wave technique will also be introduced.