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英国 苏格兰 University of Strathclyde Tariq S Durrani 教授学术报告会

发布日期 :2009-10-15    阅读次数 :6909


1.      报告人:Tariq S Durrani 教授

2.      报告题目:

Influencing Change and Promoting Solutions - Old Verities and New Paradigms: History, Trends and Challenges in Signal Processing

3.      时间:20091019 (星期一) 下午3:30 � 4:30

4.      地点:天游ty8线路1线路2线路3玉泉校区、第7教学楼、多媒体教室504



   英国爱丁堡皇家学会副会长(Vice President

   IEEE信号处理学会(IEEE Signal Processing Society)前会长(President, 1994-1995)

   IEEE工程管理学会(IEEE Engineering Management Society) 前会长(President, 2006-2007)

   英国University of Strathclyde前副校长(University Deputy Principal, Pro-Vice Chancellor, 2000-2006)

   英国皇家工程学院(Royal Academy of Engineering) 院士

   第三世界科学院(ThirdWorld Academy of Science) 院士(Associate Fellow)

   IEEE FellowIET Fellow、英国爱丁堡皇家学会院士

   IEEE ICASSP 1989国际大会主席、IEEE ICC 2007国际大会主席




Professor Tariq Durrani is with the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK, where he was Deputy Principal of the University from 2000-06. After doctoral and postdoctoral research at Southampton, he joined the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, as a Lecturer in 1976, and was appointed Professor of Signal Processing in 1982, the first on the subject in the UK. He was Head of the Department of EEE from 1986-90.  For the past 30 years, he has worked on and supervised some 60 projects sponsored by the EPSRC, the UK Department of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Defence, the US Navy, EEC-ESPRIT, EU BRITE-EURAM, RACE, and by several industrial organizations. He has supervised more than 40 PhD students and is the author/co-author of over 340 papers and six books. His research interests are in the areas of Statistical Signal and Image Processing, Technology Management and Higher Education Management.  

Professor Tariq Durrani is a Director of: the UK Leadership Foundation for Higher Education; the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce; the Institute for System Level Integration; and Council Member of the Scottish Funding Council. He is Vice President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh - the national academy of Scotland.  Professor Durrani has been the General Chair of several flagship international conferences, including IEEE ICASSP’89, Transputers’91, IEEE IEMC-2002, European Universities Convention-2006, IEEE ICC-007, and the Triple Helix VII International Conference-2009.  

Professor Tariq Durrani is Past President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and of the IEEE Engineering Management Society; past Chair of the IEEE Periodicals Council, member of the IEEE Publications Board, past member of the IEEE Education Board, and Chair of the IEEE Education Board Awards and Recognition Committee, and Member of the IEEE Medal of Honor Committee. He was instrumental in establishing the prestigious IEEE Jack Kilby Medal in Signal Processing, and the IEEE /RSE Wolfson Maxwell Medal.   He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the IEEE. He was awarded the OBE in the Queen’s Honours List in December 2002 for services to electronics and higher education.