报告名称:Strongly regular graphs from union of cyclotomic classes(Prof. Qing Xiang)
Divisibile Arcs and the Polynomial Method in Galois Geometries(Prof. Ivan N. Landjev)
报告人:Qing Xiang, University of Delaware, Newark
Ivan N. Landjev, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Strongly regular graphs from union of cyclotomic classes
Qing Xiang
University of Delaware, Newark
Time: November 2, 2010(Tuesday) 2:30pm
Address: Xindian Building 215
We give two constructions of strongly regular Cayley graphs on finite fields $F_q$ by using union of cyclotomic classes and index $2$ Gauss sums. In particular, we obtain twelve infinite families of strongly regular graphs with new parameters.
Divisible Arcs and the Polynomial Method in Galois Geometries
Ivan N. Landjev
New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Time: November 2, 2010(Tuesday) 3:30pm
Address: Xindian Building 215
Biography of two professors
Qing Xiang is professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, and adjunct professor at the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University. He received the M.Sc. in Mathematics from Sichuan University in 1990 and the Ph.D. in Mathematics from Ohio State University in 1995. His research interests include Algebraic Design Theory, Coding Theory/Sequences, Finite Geometry, Additive Number Theory/Combinatorics, and Association Schemes.
Ivan N. Landjev is professor at the Department of Informatics, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. He received the M.Sc. in Mathematics from Sofia University in 1986 and the Doctor of Sciences from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in 2000. His research interests are in Coding Theory, Finite Geometries, Combinatorics, and Cryptology.