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发布日期 :2011-02-18    阅读次数 :7421


题目:Accurate and efficient node localization in wireless sensor networks

时间:221(周一)10:00            地点:信电楼215学术厅



Accurate and Efficient Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr. Hongyang Chen

Researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories Limited



Sensor positioning is a fundamental and crucial issue for the wireless sensor network (WSN) operation and management. Localization algorithms play important role for many applications of WSN. Time-of-arrival, received signal strength and/or angle-of-arrival measurements between sensor pairs are commonly used to estimate the node positions. Nevertheless, a major requirement for the WSN localization problem is to provide location estimates which are accurate via efficient utilization of the available pair-wise measurements and low-cost because of the limited processing and communication capabilities resulted from the nodes battery constraint. Furthermore, the WSN connectivity is subject to changes due to node addition and failure, nonstationary environment as well as sensor mobility. It is also important to detect and discard non-line-of-sight measurements, which arise when direct signal transmission paths between sensor pairs are blocked, because they will introduce large errors in position estimation. In this talk, the above challenges will be considered and we propose to utilize the statistical signal processing theory and techniques to derive accurate, robust and computationally attractive WSN localization algorithms. The bias and variance performance measures of the developed algorithms will also be produced.



Hongyang Chen was born in China. He received the B.S. degree from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, M.S, degree in Institute of Mobile Communications, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, and Ph.D degree from the University of Tokyo. Currently, he is a Researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories Limited. In 2009, he was a visiting researcher in the UCLA Adaptive Systems Laboratory at University of California Los Angeles, under the supervision of Prof. Ali.H.Sayed. His research interests include Wireless Localization, Wireless Sensor Networks, LTE-A, Statistical Signal Processing. He has published 50 referred journal and conference papers in ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, IEEE MILCOM, IEEE GlOBECOM, IEEE ICC and more. He has served as a TPC member for some flagship conferences, including IEEE PIMRC, IEEE/IFIP EUC, IEEE VTC, IEEE CCNC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC and so on. He was a organizer/chair for a Session on WSNs at IEEE MILCOM 2008. He acted as the workshop chair for GameNets 2011. He received the Best Paper Award from IEEE PIMRC'09 conference. (Website: http://www.mcl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~hongyang)