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University of California, Davis黄勤博士学术报告

发布日期 :2011-03-29    阅读次数 :12229
Title: Cyclic and Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: New Developments
Time   201141(周一)上午10:00
Speaker:黄勤博士 (University of California, Davis )
Abstract: This talk is concerned with construction of both cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes, particularly LDPC codes. It consists of two parts. The first part shows that a cyclic code given by a parity-check matrix in circulant form can be decomposed into descendant cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes of various lengths and rates. Some fundamental structural properties of these descendant codes are developed, including the characterizations of the roots of the generator polynomial of a cyclic descendant code. The second part of the paper shows that cyclic and quasi-cyclic descendant LDPC codes can be derived from cyclic finite geometry LDPC codes using the results developed in the first part of the paper. This enlarges the repertoire of cyclic LDPC codes.
BiographyQin Huang started college at 15 years old as a gifted young. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2005 and 2007, respectively, both in Electronic Engineering (EE). He has finished his Ph.D. degree in EE under the guidance of Dr. Shu Lin, IEEE, life fellow, at the University of California, Davis. He has published 6 papers on Trans. Commun. and submitted 3 papers to Trans. Inform. Theory. He has been a reviwer of IEEE Trans. Commun., Trans. CSI, Trans. Commun. Letter, and Trans. KIIS. His research interests include classical and modern coding theory, signal processing, and their applications on communication systems and storage systems.