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信电系学术报告“Globally Optimal Distributed Power Control for Nonconcave Utility Maximization”

发布日期 :2011-05-30    阅读次数 :3208
Seminar Announcement
Title: Globally Optimal Distributed Power Control for Nonconcave Utility Maximization
Speaker: Dr. Liping Qian, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Time: 10:30am, June 3, 2011 (Friday)
Venue: Room 215, Xindian Building
Future wireless networks are expected to operate in dense environments where the system capacity is fundamentally limited by severe co-channel interference among neighboring links. Transmit-power control has been recently explored as an important interference-mitigation technique that aims to maximize a system efficiency metric, which is often measured by a system utility function. Optimal power control is known to be difficult to achieve, mainly because the optimization problem is in general highly non-convex. This problem had eluded researchers and remained open until our recent work, where a centralized optimal power control algorithm, referred to as MAPEL, is developed based on a monotonic optimization framework. However, there does not yet exist a distributed power control algorithm that achieves the same purpose, although the distributed implementation is crucial for the wireless infrastructureless networks such as ad hoc and sensor networks. This work fills this gap by developing a distributed power control algorithm that converges to the global optimal solution for all forms of utility functions regardless of the concavity, continuity, differentiability and monotonicity. In addition, the proposed algorithm exhibits fast convergence and allows each link to update their own transmission power asynchronously.
Dr. Liping Qian received her BEng degree in Information Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2004, and Ph.D degree from Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. She was a visiting student at Princeton University from June to August 2009. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her major research interests lie in the areas of wireless communication and networking, including cross-layer network design, adaptive resource allocation, stochastic control, global optimization and reinforcement learning for interference management. Besides, she is also interested in issues regarding smart grid, such as the peak demand management and the security in smart grid. She has won the prestigious, annual IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communicationsfor her paper, “MAPEL: Achieving global optimality for a non-convex power control problem", which appeared in the 2009 March issue of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.