报告题目:Pase Array Antenna Pattern Design
Design a derived antenna pattern has important application in communication and radar systems. This presentation discusses antenna pattern design using Minimax algorithm.
If antenna weight is a general complex numeric, antenna pattern design is relative straight forward. If there is a hardware coronial, antenna weight can only adjust phase, the performance surface is a multimode function in multi-dimensional space. Propose antenna pattern depends on initial phase. If the initial phase is not chosen properly, it will not be able to get the good antenna pattern.
报告人:Hwang, H.K.(黄华国)
报告时间:2011年09月21日(周三)下午 14:00
Name: Hwang, H.K.
Current Position
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Phone: (909) 869-2539
Email: hkhwang@csupomona.edu
Ph.D. EE 1978 Colorado State University
Professional Experience
1995-Present Independent consultant works for signal processing applications in Communication and Radar
systems for various leading high tech companies.
1989-1991 General Dynamics Air Defense Systems Division. Radar systems and signal processing algorithms
design, including Linear FM range detection. Image enhancement by synthetic aperture radar
technique. Spectrum estimation by maximum entropy technique. Adaptive Clutter Suppression.
1985-1988 Hughes Aircraft Radar System Group. Systems and algorithms design for various radar systems,
including mutual radio frequency interference detection and minimization algorithm, design real
beam ground map mode, design radar navigation ground map mode, and design pulse signal
processor for EW applications.
1984-1985 Hycom Incorp. Systems and algorithms design for high-speed modems, including adaptive echo
cancellation and forward error correction.
1977-1982 Rockwell International. Systems and algorithms design for high speed data communication
systems, including digital modulation and demodulation, adaptive equalization, digital tracking
loops (phase lock loop, timing recovery loop, AGC loop), digital shaping and matching filters, and
interfacing analog filters
Academic Experience
1982-Present California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Responsibilities include teaching senior and
graduate level classes in communication systems and digital signal processing and supervising
graduate level theses and projects.
Scientific and Professional Societies
Member of IEEE and Eta Kappa Nu
Recent Professional Development Activities
· Professional Activities:
1. Presented short courses in communications and signal processing for several universities in China, German and
2. Participated the NASA Summer Faculty Research Program at JPL and the Air Force Summer Faculty Research
Program at Rome Research Laboratory.
3. Presented Seminar “Model Based Multidimensional Estimation Techniques” to Raytheon Company. This
seminar was broadcasted via internet to all Raytheon sites in US.
4. Presented a short technical course “Adaptive Signal Processing” to the Aerospace Corporation.
· Recent Honors and Awards:
1. Principal Investigator of Rockwell Avicom Research Project “Vibration Tolerant QAM System” 1998.
2. Principal Investigator of Two Lockheed Martin – CSU Research projects 1999 and 2000.
3. Principal Investigator of various Raytheon Research Projects. 2003-2010
4. Corporation Program Award from the Aerospace Corporation for outstanding contributions to the successes of
the Wideband Global SATCOM Program 2009.
5. Best Paper Award for 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Application in San
6. Best Paper Award for 2010 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Application in London,
· Recent Publications (Past 5 years):
I have over 100 technical and conference papers, 14 research reports and a book chapter. Some of my recent
publications are listed below:
1. Simulation Study of Wideband Interference Rejection using Adaptive Array Antenna,
IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2005
2. Simulation Study of Wideband Interference Rejection using STAP,
IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2006
3. Direction of Arrival Estimation using Innovative Signal Processing,
IEEE International Signal Processing Conference, 2006
4. Direction of Arrival Estimation using Advanced Signal Processing,
IEEE RAST Conference, 2007
5. Direction of Arrival Estimation using Root MUSIC Algorithm,
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2008
6. Direction of Arrival Estimation using Polynomial Root Intersection for Multi-Dimensional
Estimation, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2008
7. Antenna Pattern Design using Phase Array Antenna and the Minimax Algorithm,
AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2008
8. Muttibeam Antenna and Antenna Beamshaping using Minim ax Algorithm,
AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2008
9. Performance Analysis for DOA Estimation using the PRIME Algorithm,
International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 2008
10. Antenna Beam Shaping using a Non-Uniform Array Antenna
IEEE RAST Conference, 2009
11. 2-D DOA Estimation Performance Analysis with PRIME Algorithm
International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, 2009
12. Non-Uniform Array Antenna Pattern Sensitivity Analysis
IASTED International Signal and Image Processing Conference, 2009
13. Simulation Study on DOA Estimation using ESPRIT Algorithm (Beat Paper Award)
IAENG World Conference on Engineering and Computer Science, 2009
14. Sensitivity Analysis of DOA Estimation using the ESPRIT Algorithm, IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2010
15. Signal Detection using the ESPRIT Algorithm (Best Paper Award)
IAENG World Conference on Engineering and Computer Science, 2010