Topic:Recent advance in optical transmission technologies
Speaker:朱本源 博士
In this seminar, we will briefly overview the recent progress on optical transmission technologies and describe the challenges and enabling for 100-Gb/s & beyond coherent systems including a new class of optical transmission fibers. Then we will discuss the next frontier in optical network capacity scaling: the spatial multiplexing. The performance of state-of-the-art multicore and few-mode fibers, as well as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques for space-division-multiplexing (SDM) transmissions will be presented. Finally, the integration challenges for SDM systems will be outlined.
Benyuan Zhu joined Bell Laboratories at Holmdel, NJ, USA in 1999, and he is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in OFS Laboratories, Somerset, NJ, USA. He has been primarily working on high-speed DWDM transmission systems, and his current interests include beyond 100-Gb/s optical coherence transmission systems, novel fiber and advanced optical amplifier technologies. He has authored/ coauthored more than 140 journal and conference papers, and one book chapter in the field of optical fiber communications, and he holds +10 patents. Benyuan Zhu received the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Bath University, Bath, UK, in 1996.