Topic:Sensing and Recognition When Primary
User has Multiple Transmit Powers
Speaker:高飞飞教授 清华大学自动化系
Prof. Feifei Gao received the Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2007. He was a Research Fellow with the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore, in 2008 and was an Assistant Professor with the School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany, from 2009 to 2010. In 2011, he joined the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor with the School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany.
Prof. Gao has authored and coauthored more than 120 refereed IEEE journal and conference proceeding papers. He is currently serving as an editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and China Communications.
We consider a more practical scenario when the primary user (PU) transmits with multiple levels of power in a cognitive radio (CR) network. The optimal spectrum sensing algorithm at the secondary user (SU) that could discriminate the PU’s’ transmitting power is proposed and the related performance is analyzed. We also discuss over the cooperative sensing to combat the fading and the noise effect. It is seen that quite many important topics in the new CR scenario are different from the traditional cases, and thus deserve re-investigation. We hope our new work could open a possibly new direction for CR.