题目:Crowdsourcing as a Computing Paradigm
报告人:Guoliang Xue,IEEE Fellow,
Professor of Arizona State University,
School of Computing, Informatics, and
Decision Systems Engineering
In many situations, the wisdom of the crowds is superior to that of a few experts. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices interconnected via wireless networks, crowdsourcing has emerged as is a new computing paradigm, which uses collective intelligence to accomplish computing tasks. In this computing paradigm, individual users can make a profit by providing service to needed clients. Crowdsourcing finds its applications in WiFi mapping, traffic monitoring, mobile phone sensing, and is the winning strategy in the DARPA network challenge. Examples of crowdsourcing include Wikipedia, Open Innovation, the Linux open source project, and WAZE—a community based traffic and navigation app.
However, crowdsourcing has its limitations and challenges. How to mobilize users to contribute to the system? How to eliminate/reduce conflicts among users of the system? How to deal with noise in the crowdsourced data? The list goes on and on. In this talk, we will discuss recent research advances and future research opportunities related to crowdsourcing computing paradigm, truthful incentive mechanisms, the problems of and solutions for free-riding and false reporting, as well as nose in data obtained from crowdsourcing.
Guoliang Xue is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University. He earned a PhD degree in Computer Science in 1991 from the University of Minnesota. His research interests include resource allocation in computer networks, and survivability and security issues in networks. He is a recipient of Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC’2012 and IEEE MASS’2011, as well as a Best Paper Runner-up at IEEE ICNP’2010. He is an Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications for the Wireless Networking Area, and an Editor of IEEE Network. He was a past editor of Computer Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He was a TPC co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM’2010 and is the vice chair of the INFOCOM Standing Committee. He is an Area Chair of IEEE CNS’2015 and an Area Chair of IEEE INFOCOM’2016. He is a co-General Chair of IEEE CNS’2014 and a TPC member of ACM CCS’2015 and CCS’2016. He is a Keynote Speaker at IEEE LCN’2011. He is an IEEE Fellow.