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关于美国华盛顿大学Sumit Roy教授学术报告的通知

发布日期 :2015-05-20    阅读次数 :4297

TopicWhite Space Networking

Time2015522日(星期五)2:30 PM


SpeakerSumit Roy, IEEE Fellow Integrated Systems Professor

         Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Washington Seattle, USA


The concept of White Spaces is best understood in the context of emerging software defined radio capabilities in transceiver designs as well as new network architectures for cellular (licensed usage) as well as WiFi (unlicensed usage) that potentially allow opportunistic use of new, unlicensed spectrum. In this talk, I will describe the principles of such cognitive usage and what it means for emerging 4G and beyond (5G) network scenarios for operators and vendors. Specifically, the talk will highlight the role of white spaces in meeting key 4G/5G goals - enhanced network throughput per user, and meeting new backhaul requirements for delivering broadband in both dense metro as well as rural (underserved) scenarios.


Sumit Roy (IEEE Fellow) received the B. Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur) in 1983, and the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of California (Santa Barbara), all in Electrical Engineering in 1985 and 1988 respectively, as well as an M. A. in Statistics and Applied Probability in 1988. Presently he is Integrated Systems Professor of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Washington where his research interests broadly encompass analysis/design of wireless communication and sensor networked systems. His recent research emphasis includes multi-standard wireless inter-networking and cognitive radios, vehicular and sensor networking involving RFID technology and networking for the emerging Smart Grid. He spent 2001-03 on academic leave at Intel Wireless Technology Lab as a Senior Researcher engaged in systems architecture and standards development for ultra-wideband systems (Wireless PANs) and next generation high-speed wireless LANs. He served as Isaac Walton Fellow at University College Dublin for Jan-Jun 2008, and as a UK Royal Acad. Engineering Distinguished Visitor for summer 2011.  His activities for the IEEE  Communications Society (ComSoc) includes membership of several technical and conference program committees, notably the Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks and is currently a ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer for 2014-15. He currently serving a term as Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE ComSoc. He has served as Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Communications, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications and IEEE Trans. Smart Grids, and presently is on the Editorial Board for IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems II Express Briefs. Most recently, he served as a Guest Editor for the 2014 J. Selected Areas Communications Spl. Issue on Smart Grid Communications.