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发布日期 :2016-03-24    阅读次数 :2652

题目: Distributed game theoretic resource allocation in wireless networks



报告人:Prof. Amir Leshem,  Bar-Ilan University


Talk InfoIn this talk I will discuss several techniques for distributed spectrum allocation which uses the medium access control for performing the optimization. The talk does not assume any prior knowledge regarding game theory or distributed optimization. If time permits, I will also discuss some results related to the number and quality of Nash equilibrium points in interference games.

BioProf. Amir Leshem received the B.Sc. in mathematics and physics, the M.Sc. in mathematics, and the Ph.D. in mathematics all from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, in 1986, 1990, and 1998, respectively. He is a Professor and one of the founders of the faculty of engineering at Bar-Ilan University where he heads the signal processing track. He was the leading guest editor of a special issue of IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, dedicated to signal processing for space research and for a special issue of the Signal Processing Magazine, dedicated to signal processing in astronomy and cosmology. In 2008-2011, he was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

His main research interests include multichannel wireless and wireline communication, applications of game theory to dynamic and adaptive spectrum management of communication and sensor networks, array and statistical signal processing with applications to multiple element sensor arrays and networks in radio-astronomy, brain research, wireless communications and radio-astronomical imaging, set theory, logic, and foundations of mathematics.