报告题目:Magnetotransport in high quality 2D material heterostructures
报告时间:2016年5月27日 上午9:00
Graphene is the most commonly-known two-dimensional (2D) material, just one atom thick, which can be exfoliated from a bulk piece graphite. And there exists a large class of van der Waals materials, ranging from insulator, semiconductor to metal and superconductor, in which single atomic layer pieces can be peeled from the bulk. Assembling these different types of single layers of atoms with complementary properties into layered heterostructures presents many exciting opportunities. For example, encapsulating graphene with BN yields enhanced transport properties with reduced environmental sensitivity, and provides the capability for complex band structure engineering. This allows graphene to be exploited as a model experimental platform to study a wide range of fundamental physics arising both from conventional single-particle considerations, as well as more exotic emergent behaviour in the strongly interacting regime. In this talk I will discuss both fundamental science and technological applications that are being enabled by this new type of materials fabrication.
Lei Wang is a KAVLI fellow at the Kavli institute at Cornell University for nanoscale science, where he is studying electrical and optical properties of 2D material heterostructures. In 2014, Lei earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in the city of New York, where he developed the van der Waals transfer technique to make high quality encapsulated 2D material heterostructures and studied the fractional quantum Hall effect in the Hofstadter spectrum. Previously he earned Master’s and Bachelor (first class honors) degree in Electrical Engineering at National University of Singapore.