主题:Silicon Photonics-Based Signal Processing for Microwave Photonic Frontends 报告人:陈明华教授 时间:2016年6月27日,上午10:15 - 11:00 地点:玉泉校区行政楼208会议室 | ![]() |
Signal processor is one of the core elements in microwave photonic frontends, which determines the performance of the entire system in many aspects. The silicon photonics-based signal processor is especially attractive for their compact size and good performance. In this talk, the development of silicon photonics-based signal processing for microwave photonic frontends will be reviewed. A microwave photonic frontend based on optical processing elements is also presented, which operates at the frequency range from 1 GHz to 65 GHz. At last, the on-chip microwave photonic frontend is also discussed.
Minghua Chen received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Southeast University in 1993 and 1998, receptively. In 1998, he joined Information Optoelectronics Research Institute at Tsinghua University, where he is a professor and the Vice-Director of the institute. From 2010 to 2011, he was a visiting scientist in Research laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).His research interests include optical fiber communications, silicon photonics, and microwave photonics. He has published more than 160 academic papers and is one of associate editors of IEEE Photonics Journal. He has led or participated many government programs in the area of optoelectronics and optical communications. He has won the national award of science and technology development in 2008 and 5 minister/province awards of science and technology development. He also was a technical committee member of 863 optoelectronics area from 1999-2001 and was a member of the expert groups 3TNET (National High-performance Broadband Information Network) from 2001-2005.