题目:Security, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Medical Cyber Physical Systems 时间:2016年7月31日(周日)上午10:00-11:00 地点:玉泉校区行政楼108会议室 报告人:Xiaohui Liang, University of Massachusetts at Boston |  |
报告内容: Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MCPS) are life-critical, context-aware, and networked systems of medical devices that provide tight integration of and coordination between the cyber world of computing and communications and the physical world. Recent advances in mobile and wearable healthcare, communication, and Cloud computing technologies are making MCPS a promising platform for scientific advancement and development of new tools that may improve patients' health and wellbeing. Coming along with the potential social economic and personal healthcare benefits are significant security, privacy, and trustworthiness challenges in MCPS, due to unreliable embedded software controlling medicaldevices, weak computing and networking capabilities of medical devices, and adaptive privacy requirements introduced by complicated physiological dynamics of patient bodies. In this talk, I will present two security solutions for critical problems of wearable devices and mobile medical devices. In the first work, we consider most wearable devices are extremely limited in their capability to display information due to their small size. I will present a LightTouch method by which a wearable device can be securely connected to an ambient display based on the user's connection intention. Then, the user is able to access information from the designated display. In the second work, I will introduce a novel approach called Wanda - a magic wand that securely configures the mobile medical devices to join the wireless local area network or securely partner the device with other nearby devices so they can work together. Then, the medical devices can securely send medicaldata to remote Electronic Health Record (EHR) system and doctors..
专家介绍: Xiaohui Liang is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts, Boston (UMB). Prior to joining UMB in Fall 2015, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH in THaW project from National Science Foundation. He received the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2013, with an award “Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies”. He received the BSc and MSc degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. He has coauthored the book "Security and Privacy in Mobile Social Networks" and published over 70 journal articles and referred conference papers. He has won best paper award at BodyNet 2010. He was a receipt of the prestigious Ontario Graduate Scholarship, President's Graduate Scholarship, Doctoral Thesis Completion Award at the University of Waterloo, and Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. He is a member of ACM and IEEE.