题目:My Personal Research Experience and Research Pathway 时间:2016年10月25日(周二)上午9:30-11:30 地点:天游ty8线路1线路2线路3玉泉校区,信电大楼-215学术厅 报告人:Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek, Associate Professor, Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore | ![]() |
In this talk, I will share my personal research experience as a graduate student at MIT, my career as a scientist in A*STAR, and my faculty experience at SUTD. The objective is to share what I think are good research practice and to clarify some “misconceptions” about good research.
题目:From Capacity Enhancement to Massive Connectivity in 5G
报告人:Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek, Associate Professor,
Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar,
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
With 4G cellular technologies now beginning to be deployed widely around the world, the fifth generation (5G) mobile and wireless communication technologies are emerging into research fields. New services, applications and devices will drive requirements on data rate, ubiquity of data services, latency, cost, and reliability and further drive data traffic growth. Networks, services, and devices will be more heterogeneous and the need to connect billions of devices to the network will emerge. To meet the above challenges, 5G wireless systems will require a mix of new technologies to boost spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, latency, and the network design. In this talk, we will introduce this exciting research area and discuss some of our recent work that can potentially help to meet these challenges from capacity enhancement to massive connectivity.
Tony Q.S. Quek received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, respectively. At Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, he earned the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, he is a tenured Associate Professor with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He is also a Deputy Director of SUTD-ZJU IDEA. His current research topics include heterogeneous networks, smart grid, green communications, wireless security, big data processing, IoT, and cognitive radio.
Dr. Quek has been actively involved in organizing and chairing sessions, and has served as a TPC member in a numerous international conferences. He is serving as the Workshop Chair for IEEE Globecom in 2017 and Special Session Chair for IEEE SPAWC 2017. He is currently an Executive Editorial Committee Member for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. He was Guest Editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (Special Issue on Signal Processing for the 5G Revolution) in November 2014 and the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (Special Issue on Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks) in June 2015. He is a co-author of the book “Small Cell Networks: Deployment, PHY Techniques, and Resource Allocation” published by Cambridge University Press in 2013 and the book “Cloud Radio Access Networks: Principles, Technologies, and Applications” by Cambridge University Press in 2016. Dr. Quek received the 2008 Philip Yeo Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Research, the IEEE Globecom 2010 Best Paper Award, the 2012 IEEE William R. Bennett Prize, the IEEE SPAWC 2013 Best Student Paper Award, the IEEE WCSP 2014 Best Paper Award, the IEEE PES General Meeting 2015 Best Paper, and the 2015 SUTD Outstanding Education Awards – Excellence in Research.
新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology and Design, SUTD)的信息系统技术与设计学院(Information System Technology and Design, ISTD)正招收博士研究生。Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek是该学院的研究生招生负责人。欢迎我校本科生和硕士生申请。
Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek的联系方式:tonyquek@sutd.edu.sg。