主 题:Cavity-enhanced nanophotonic switching 报告人: 金潮渊 时 间: 10月31日 下午2:30-3:15 地 点: 行政楼111会议室 | ![]() |
Cavity-enhanced nanophotonic switching
Chao-Yuan Jin,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield.
Ultrafast photonic devices are the prerequisite for high-bandwidth optical networks and signal processing systems. The power consumption for signal switching/routing is considered to become a serious bottleneck in scaling up the bandwidth for short-reach communications. The development of high-performance, energy-efficient photonic devices are therefore crucial in tackling this problem. In this presentation, I am going to review basic considerations on the fundamental limitation of semiconductor-based switching devices. The potential applications of semiconductor nanophotonic structures and cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) systems are pointed out. Recent demonstrations of nanostructure-based photonic devices are discussed with a particular focus on cavity-based photonic switches.