题 目: Two-Dimensional Topological Magnetoplasmon 时 间:2017年6月23日 1:30 pm—3:30 pm 地 点:玉泉校区,行政楼第三会议室 报告人: Dr. Dafei Jin, University of California, Berkeley | ![]() |
Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Dafei Jin will present our recent studies on the topological behaviors of two-dimensional magnetoplasmons in GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions and on monolayer graphene. We show that with a modest magnetic field to break the time-reversal symmetry, topologically protected one-way edge states can exist on both the structural boundaries and on magnetic-domain boundaries. These edge states are operable from gigahertz to terahertz frequencies and can potentially be used for low-loss high-speed electronic-photonic hybridized devices.
[1] D. Jin et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. in press (2017).
[2] D. Jin et al. Nature Commun. 7, 13486 (2016).
Biography: Dr. Dafei Jin is currently a Research Scientistat University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his PhD in low-temperature superfluid physics from Brown University in 2012, and has done postdoc research on quantum and topological plasmons at MIT during 2012-2016. His current main interest lies in the classical-to-quantum crossover of topological plasmons in various quantum Hall systems, and developing high-speed topologically robust devices based on such systems.