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发布日期 :2018-03-30    阅读次数 :1058

Title 1: Cooperative Multi-Sender Index Coding for Wireless Broadcast Networks

Speaker: Dr. Li Min

Abstract: Index coding addresses efficient broadcast problems where multiple receivers each wish to decode some messages from a common channel, and they each know a subset of messages a priori. Originally motivated from satellite communications, the index-coding problem is shown to have rich connections with network coding, coded caching, distributed storage and topological interference management in wireless communications. Most of prior works focused on the single-sender broadcast setup and developed efficient index-coding schemes to minimize the total number of transmissions needed to fulfill all receivers' demands. In this seminar, I will focus on a multi-sender broadcast network, in which data packets are distributed across multiple senders. A novel cooperative multi-sender index coding is proposed and is shown to generally outperform other non-cooperative schemes in recent works. The cooperative scheme proposed is the key to achieve optimality for a number of index-coding instances.



Title 2: 无线大数据使能的智能蜂窝网研究

Speaker: 李荣鹏博士



Title 3: Inversion-Friendly Modelling for Inverse Scattering Problems with Waves & Fields
Speaker: Dr. Zhong Yu
Abstract: As a representative of nonlinear and ill-posed problems that concern many important inspection/imaging applications, inverse scattering problems (ISPs) are of great interests in academic researches. Nevertheless, due to the intrinsic ill-posedness and non-linearity, the conventional computational methods are rather inefficient, especially when handling problems with data deficiency or with strong wave/fields interactions. In this talk, we will mainly discuss our lately contributions in computational methods for ISPs, with special emphases on the inversion-friendly modelling that can effectively handle these two major difficulties in ISPs. To tackle the ill-posedness, we impose proper constraints in the numerical models, leading to a new type of modelling-based regularization methods. For non-linearity, novel numerical models are derived from the fundamental physical models so as to cope with the highly nonlinear problems that the fundamental models cannot handle. Merging the efforts of physical modelling, signal processing and mathematical analysis, we will show the efficiency of solving the ISPs can be substantially increased.