海外名师大讲堂(133)——Materials for the Future
题 目:Materials for the Future
主讲人: Kostya Novoselov 2010年诺贝尔物理学奖得主、英国皇家学会院士、英国曼彻斯特大学教授、新加坡国立大学杰出教授
时 间:2023年8月7日(周一) 14:00-15:00
地 点:紫金港校区校友楼二楼紫金港厅
讲座简介:Today’s materials are predominantly defined by their properties which are independent of time and environment. In many cases, such stability is useful, as it makes the behaviour of devices based on such materials robust and predictable. However, emergent technologies would strongly benefit from adaptive materials with memory functions and with properties that change through feedback from the environment and control signals. Good examples are active membranes, which can change their permeability depending on the external conditions or beyond-von Neumann computational approaches such as in-memory computing, which can be strongly boosted by phase-changing materials.
Such materials could monitor external conditions and adapt their functionality to the new set of conditions through built-in feedback. A large subclass of such functional materials are materials out-of-equilibrium, which can change their conformation in a circular manner, producing useful work, rectifying energy from ambient surroundings. These materials could have memory and evolve over time, in many senses acting as living matter.
We call these materials Functional Intelligent Materials. They are absolutely crucial for beyond von Neumann computers (neuromorphic), machine-human interfaces, artificial organs and tissues, smart membranes, smart batteries and catalysts, to name just a few.
This lecture will discuss recent advances in creation of tailored materials, approaches we can apply to create Functional Intelligent Materials as well as existing and future applications which can be allowed by such materials.