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编辑:gzj 日期:2008-03-20 访问次数:4494

我校国际电磁科学院师生张柏乐、陈红胜(通讯作者)、Bae-Ian Wu、孔金瓯教授完成的关于电磁波隐身的研究论文(浙大为第一研究单位): “Extraordinary Surface Voltage Effect in the Invisibility Cloak with an Active Device Inside刊登在2008215日出版的物理学顶级学术刊物Physical Review Letters上。文章在理论上证明了人和物体在完美隐身衣内部发射出的电磁波(比如红外辐射、微波、光等)能否被外界观察者探测到的问题。论文揭示了当物体在完美隐身衣内部发射电磁波时,在完美隐身衣内表面将感应出非常奇特的表面电压效应,从而阻止了电磁波从隐身衣内部泄漏出去。《Nature》以“Hidden Source”为题报道了本项研究成果,论文的研究亮点刊登在2008228日出版的《Nature》杂志451期上。

近一年,国际电磁科学院孔金瓯教授、陈红胜副研究员课题组在隐身衣研究方面已有两篇论文在Physical Review Letters上发表,有三篇论文分别被《Nature》、《Nature China》列为研究亮点,这三篇论文中天游ty8线路1线路2线路3均为第一研究单位。









Hidden source

Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 063904 (2008)


If a spherical ‘invisibility cloak’ could hide physical objects, as recently proposed, it could also hide electromagnetic fields, according to Hongsheng Chen and his co-workers at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.


The shield uses metamaterials, which interact with light in unusual ways, to divert electromagnetic waves around the inside of the shielded space. The principle has been demonstrated experimentally at microwave frequencies, but it wasn’t clear whether it would work for cloaking ‘active’ devices such as electronic circuits, which produce electromagnetic fields that could leak out of the shield and undermine the invisibility.


Chen and colleagues calculate that such fields create electric and magnetic fields at the inner surface of a spherical shield, which, in turn, reflect any waves broadcast from an active object inside and prevent them from escaping.